Sunday 20 November 2011

Funeral insight

Just recently i attended a funeral of a work associates mother.  I wouldn't consider myself particularly close to this person but i guess we've became friends of sorts none the less. Apart from the obvious It became apartment to me at this funeral that he was extremely upset about his loss although being the type he was ( a typical male ) he never spoke of her illness and more so about how they didn't get on.  In a sense it surprised me that he hadn't mentioned it until i watched his long term friends fidget around him with nobody really able to offer support which i believe is due to his persona he feels he has to maintain.  I offered an ear a week or so later which hasn't been left idle to say the least.  But now here's to were it got me thinking about what I'm writing now which is my blog, and in the spirit of our chosen course Ive made my blog for my class and for maybe making the impossible task of asking for a hand with something or offering some useful tips we may have came across or even just a friendly ear might be made easier by just typing it out , like an information notice board of sorts. So any comments, suggestions, links etc are welcome or feel free to ask for my user name and password to post your own thoughts.

stop it

Friday 18 November 2011

Stop it

I'm a firm believer that what would seem the simple task of  talking and sharing our thoughts or worries with somebody is a practice that we all don't practice enough.  I've found that just the small act of asking somebody if they needed to talk and taking some time out from our own lives has led me to forming many close friendships which would leed me to believe its not done often enough. So this is my little pearl of wisdom which would seem very obvious but i think you'll be suprised how much the action is appreciated, and it's not always necessary to have arm bands on the ready for these chat's but it is good to talk !! I found this video below you might find funny, or may put you off talking....

Thursday 17 November 2011

Smart TV

 Smart TV’s are seen to be the next generation of home entertainment which may change the once simple act of sitting down and watching programmes. In bringing the capabilities of the internet to TV it will change the interaction level we have now to something much more advanced and more specific to our particular preferences. While this technology is already in use by Blu-ray, tablets etc. allowing us to access media from a number of different sources so now will our TVs be capable of doing this and will have a similar computer system as a handheld pc or tablet. And like with any computing device we will have a choice of different mobile operating systems to choose from which will also become a choice of preference as to which one we pick or find the most user friendly. What will make the smart TV more and more appealing is like smart phones the new apps which will be available, with the likes of video streaming becoming very popular and sources of news and information being so easily accessed then this self-tailored form of viewing may become the entertainment media of the future. It is recommended that due to there being an organisation called (DLNA) who are the forerunners in the sharing of media on multiple devices in your home that your smart TV is DLNA certified. This meaning that you will be able to share any media like films, photos and music from any device that has wireless access in your home without

            This will revolutionise the way in which we watch TV which is now necessary in order to keep up with the benefits of advancement which we are seeing in other technologies we use. It will enable us to not only watch TV but choose when exactly we watch our preferred programmes but also to browse the internet with use of applications once only possible from our computers. This bringing us to a new arena of home entertainment which will be very much personalised rather than having to rely on the satellite channels schedules.

As a technology I feel that it may open up a huge range of possibilities for entertainment and look forward to its full introduction to see to what extent it will be brought to. But would wonder at the effect it may have on the amount of time spent in front of the TV considering that we will have the option to always have something available to watch in which we are interested in, and fear that this form of readily available entertainment may have an adverse effect on levels of exercise and other activities for the youth in the future.

Procrastination has my house spotless

Well I'm not sure about anyone else but it seems to me I've suddenly developed a tendency to procrastinate since i started college which is unusual for me but I'm hoping its just due to such a big life change.  Although I'm in the process of successfully rectifying the situation, on the up side my new habit has managed to somehow make the usually laborious everyday tasks i have of keeping my house in order seem much more appealing and pressing.  I inserted a link below for some tips which i have found a great help and hope they can be of help to others too.

Help started

Well i thought I'd get the ball rolling and offer a second copy of ( Research in Psychology: Colin Dyer ) i received in the post due to transport damage although both copies are perfect. So if anybody would like to take a loan or share it with any other classmates then feel free.

Thought this lad looked like me doing the deed

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Future of smartphones

While todays smartphones are an extremely advanced piece of hardware having higher specifications than a computer once considered powerful there are a lot more advanced technologies to come. Here are some of these new technologies we can look forward to seeing.

(NFC) Near Field Communication, this is a wireless data transferee technology but with a difference being it will firstly be necessary for the devices to be very close to one another and also will have a high level of data encryption protection. What this will mean to us is that due to its high security capabilities it may replace the use of credit cards or money in that our phones will contain all the relative data and we can complete transactions by holding our phone to the NRC reader. This technology is already available in the more advanced smartphones on the market and is expected to be a must have feature in all smart phones in the future.

              Augmented Reality (AR) is another technology we can expect to see more of and consists of combining a live view of an object or environment with real time data generated by the phone. This means that our phones will be able to tell us the information on a building such as its name, owner, companies occupying it etc. just by pointing the phones camera at the building.  Or likewise if pointed at an object it will be able to give us its height and width or at a person it will search the web for any matches it finds on social networking sites, Google etc. to give us the name and details of the person.

            With these advancements it’s easy to see that the smart phones of the future may even replace laptops/computers and that we will have all the technology we need just in the one device that being our phones. Having recently being upgraded to a HTC Sensation smartphone, In first reading some of the specifications ( Dual-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm chipset, 1080p video recording, qHD resolution 4.3-inch screen and an 8MP camera ) it could easily be mistaken for a miniature laptop which in fact I now understand these phones have progressed to be. As I have begun to use my phone more increasingly for normally computer related tasks such as internet use and email, it’s easy to foresee the replacement of computers on the horizon to some extent. And if they arrive at a solution to screen size difficulties in some form with maybe bigger screen connection well then to what levels of usage will our phones play in our lives.

Laptop/pc Purchase

I recently purchased a laptop for my Psychology course and will explain some of the specifications  that I was looking for which I considered important in relation to being capable of  completing any tasks I had with ease whilst also getting value for money. A laptop/pc needs a certain set of factors to operate efficiently for a certain level of tasks and ill list below the factors I was looking for.

·         Processor

·         Memory

·         Hard drive

·         Video

·         Ports

·         Wi-Fi

·         DVD/CDRW

1)  The processor is an important factor for speed and multi tasking and on research found that Intel core i3 had good reports for these areas.

2) Memory also essential for speed, and although most programmes I use in my course would not be memory demanding I believe Windows 7 is and due to the fact I may have a few programmes running concurrently I chose 3 GB of ram which I find extremely adequate.

3) Hard drive size I chose 500 GB which I believe should suffice for my four years as I’m not in the habit of downloading films etc, which if is the case then a larger hard drive would be recommended.

4) Video is an important factor to look at if you intend in playing a lot of games which I am not so I felt that an onboard graphics card would surff ice and keep the cost down as high end video cards can be very expensive but necessary if game playing is your intention.

5) For ports I was looking for a laptop with a minimum of three usb ports for printer, scanner, and internet connection.

6) Wi-Fi ready is also a good extra to consider as it gives the opportunity of internet connectivity while travelling.

7) DVD/CDRW is a good option of transferring large amounts of data for storage or as a backup media and also gives the capability of removing large amounts of data if the hard drive is coming near being filled to its capacity.

These are the factors that I was taking into consideration when purchasing my laptop and hope they can be of some benefit to anyone also in the process of doing so.