Sunday 20 November 2011

Funeral insight

Just recently i attended a funeral of a work associates mother.  I wouldn't consider myself particularly close to this person but i guess we've became friends of sorts none the less. Apart from the obvious It became apartment to me at this funeral that he was extremely upset about his loss although being the type he was ( a typical male ) he never spoke of her illness and more so about how they didn't get on.  In a sense it surprised me that he hadn't mentioned it until i watched his long term friends fidget around him with nobody really able to offer support which i believe is due to his persona he feels he has to maintain.  I offered an ear a week or so later which hasn't been left idle to say the least.  But now here's to were it got me thinking about what I'm writing now which is my blog, and in the spirit of our chosen course Ive made my blog for my class and for maybe making the impossible task of asking for a hand with something or offering some useful tips we may have came across or even just a friendly ear might be made easier by just typing it out , like an information notice board of sorts. So any comments, suggestions, links etc are welcome or feel free to ask for my user name and password to post your own thoughts.

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