Wednesday 16 November 2011

Future of smartphones

While todays smartphones are an extremely advanced piece of hardware having higher specifications than a computer once considered powerful there are a lot more advanced technologies to come. Here are some of these new technologies we can look forward to seeing.

(NFC) Near Field Communication, this is a wireless data transferee technology but with a difference being it will firstly be necessary for the devices to be very close to one another and also will have a high level of data encryption protection. What this will mean to us is that due to its high security capabilities it may replace the use of credit cards or money in that our phones will contain all the relative data and we can complete transactions by holding our phone to the NRC reader. This technology is already available in the more advanced smartphones on the market and is expected to be a must have feature in all smart phones in the future.

              Augmented Reality (AR) is another technology we can expect to see more of and consists of combining a live view of an object or environment with real time data generated by the phone. This means that our phones will be able to tell us the information on a building such as its name, owner, companies occupying it etc. just by pointing the phones camera at the building.  Or likewise if pointed at an object it will be able to give us its height and width or at a person it will search the web for any matches it finds on social networking sites, Google etc. to give us the name and details of the person.

            With these advancements it’s easy to see that the smart phones of the future may even replace laptops/computers and that we will have all the technology we need just in the one device that being our phones. Having recently being upgraded to a HTC Sensation smartphone, In first reading some of the specifications ( Dual-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm chipset, 1080p video recording, qHD resolution 4.3-inch screen and an 8MP camera ) it could easily be mistaken for a miniature laptop which in fact I now understand these phones have progressed to be. As I have begun to use my phone more increasingly for normally computer related tasks such as internet use and email, it’s easy to foresee the replacement of computers on the horizon to some extent. And if they arrive at a solution to screen size difficulties in some form with maybe bigger screen connection well then to what levels of usage will our phones play in our lives.

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